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Isaiah prophesied men would turn from war: (when will this be?)

 ... they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation,  neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:4

Jesus spoke peace in the Sermon on the Mount

He was proclaiming the early rain fulfillment of Isaiah 4:2 along with other prophesies about the end times and
establishment of His Kingdom.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus revealed how the spirit of that prophesy would be manifested in the hearts of those who had ears to hear the Gospel and receive him. This spirit fell into the hearts of those who received Jesus and were Born Again of His spirit and translated into the Kingdom of Heaven.

This Spirit is still falling and is bringing forth fruit in hearts where the ground is good. Matt 13:8.

This us the same spirit that will be manifested fully in the latter rain, when Jesus returns to establish His kingdom on Earth.

Wars will end only when Jesus returns:

The world will not turn from war until Jesus comes again. Jesus said he did not come to bring peace on earth Matt 10:34. But Christians are not of the world. There should not be war in the hearts of Christians. As we wait for His return, our work is to study to show ourselves approved and to preach the fullness of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven as a witness to all nations. Matt 24:14.



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What if Jesus really meant what He said?

What if what if Jesus really meant something immediate was going to happen when he came preaching: "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand?" Was the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Chapters 5-7, Luke 6-49) just a nice inspirational sermon telling the hearers how they should change their behavior? Was Jesus laying down a new list of "Christian Principles" that people had to follow to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? No, he knew they couldn't do that. He was showing them what the desires of their hearts should be and what they would be when they were Born Again and translated into the Kingdom of Heaven.

He was explaining the fruit his followers would bear. He was proclaiming the New Testament and He was explaining how His Kingdom was different, and how the spirit of the Kingdom of Heaven would be manifested in the hearts of those who had ears to hear the Gospel and receive him; the same spirit that will be manifested in all the earth, when Jesus returns to establish His kingdom on Earth in the Millennium.

He was proclaiming the early partial fulfillment of Isaiah 4:2 along with other prophesies about the end times and establishment of His Kingdom. Those who opened their hearts to Him would be his ambassadors - Citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom, no longer of the world.

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